When I was in college, I read a book titled “Christ and Culture.” It identified positions various Christian-churches took, describing the contrast of a Christian living in a culture: 1) against culture, 2) with it, 3) above it, 4) transformative, and the like. What this does, splitting the person from culture, is to wreak
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Low Ferritin
I’ve recently published a new book about low iron stores in runners. Nexus Magazine requested an article and I have submitted this: Low Ferritin Is this a Canary in the Coal Mine? Most people have never heard of low ferritin, let alone appreciate the subtle causes behind it. Yet, there is a fairly high probability
Continue reading »Excerpt from my upcoming book: The Magic of Glinda
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book: The Magic of Glinda Chapter Two: Foreshadowing Empire By Scott W. Webb The Wizard of Oz is considered to be an original American myth. We might think of myths as made-up stories about fantastic characters from ancient civilizations, like Super-Hero comic book characters. But myths meant something
Continue reading »Transport it Organic, too.
Visiting my parents 6 weeks ago, my mom gave me a bag of strawberries for the road, not organic. They got pushed back in the fridge, and a few days ago I tossed them outside, not in the reg. compost, because they should have molded long ago. This morning, they are STILL like perfect fruit,
Continue reading »Paleo Schmaleo
What’s up with the Paleo diet? Paleo is the idea that our ancestors, pre-civilization, evolved slowly and that, the machinery of our human body has not had the proper time these past 10,000 years to adapt to dietary changes and therefore, our diets from about the pyramids-forward, have left us screwed. The cultivation of grains,
Continue reading »The “Organics” of Frank Sinatra’s Voice
Frank Sinatra goes down in history as one of the greatest vocalists of all time. He preceded The Beatles and Elvis, as the first singer to draw-in droves of swooning girls to his concerts. Scientists recorded his voice using sensitive instruments to discover the unique elements making-up the rare quality of his voice. They couldn’t
Continue reading »Dorothy in Defiance
Most people first watched The Wizard of Oz as children, so as we saw it for a second time, we assumed that when Toto pulled back the curtain to expose the Wizard, Dorothy right-off caught him in his game. But this is incorrect. Dorothy walks over and asks the man WHO he is! After he
Continue reading »We The People: On Chemtrails
It’s amazing how rarely most people observe the sky. To me, it’s like a beautiful blue pond always, everywhere above. About six or seven years ago, I noticed unusual patterns of jet contrails across the sky and told my friends. Two of them had noticed it as well and took it upon themselves to research
Continue reading »The Wizard of Deception
I’ve been listening to a book on CD about the works of C.S. Lewis. Lewis wrote the children’s book series, The Chronicles of Narnia, plus several other fantastical fiction works for adults and Christian apologetics. He was a scholar of Medieval literature and a professor at Oxford and Cambridge. Lewis worked Medieval themes into his
Continue reading »More on Microwave Ovens than You (Might) Want to Know
RE: This Blog I responded to an earlier Facebook post with a previous blog on microwaves. My friend read it, then sincerely requested that I address my specific claim that “microwaves distort the molecular structure” of the food itself. Here is the conversation and my response, which is to copy excerpts from various sources. This
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